Saturday, March 17, 2007

Tylenol Please

Okay, so I went to laser tag last night.... and oh my goodness am I ever sore!! I feel like I spent hours at the gym! I can't breath without it hurting! I've never been to laser tag before, but it was awesome. We brought our youth group and they are energetic kids. It was difficult keeping up with them. If you have never gone before, do so! It was so fun and it only cost 12 dollars per person for two games. I definitely recommend it!

As for other news.... nothing much to report. We are heading out to Ontario on Tuesday. I can't wait for that. Mom and Dad are trying to get out of work so that they can make their flight to Ottawa next Friday. The company is being a jerk. Their hoping that Monday they can get out. Which means they wouldn't get here until Tuesday which means we will be gone. So we will see them in Ottawa on the weekend.

As for baby news, nothing to report yet, other then that I'm still in the running so it's looking good! But who knows. I try not to get my hopes up. I realised these past few days that there is always something to worry about. Right now it's getting pregnant, then it's miscarrying, then it's still birth, then it's crib death, then it's falling off the playground set, then it's getting into a car accident... and the list goes on. How do you parents do it!! Is there always something to worry about? I know we aren't suppose to worry, and I don't think we should let it consume our lives, but you have to at least think of it every once in a while, right?

Should go... plenty of work to do! Talk to you later!



Anonymous said...

Yep, you made me cry! It's a horrifying thought but life is a very fragile thing! I pray to God we will never have to experience the death of a child. I am thankful, we've been very blessed!

Anonymous said...

It's hard but you have to get over it because life happens. No matter how much you want to protect your child. I had nightmares like that too before we had Abby and it's still there some days. So, it's life. Hang in there!

John Mutford said...

Yes, there is always something to worry about. And I'm not all that sure that "we aren't supposed to worry", some degree of it is healthy and normal- it keeps us on our toes. But as you say, keeping it in check is the important part.

Anonymous said...

There are always things to worry about in life, but we just take it day by day. Even if there are some complications, you see the light in the midst of frustration. For example; our youngest daughter is mildly autistic, but we deal with it by being happy everyday that she's not more severe and is able to express to us who she is and how she's feeling. Our oldest daughter has had a stream of medical issue's including: pneumonia x7,croup,broncitis, asthma since the age of 1, being tested for Cystic Fybrosis (which came back negative), having her tonsils and adnoids removed, as well as recently being diagnosed with a medical condition rarely found in children. The way we look at it is 1)Every day we have her is a wonderful blessing, and 2)At least we know what's wrong, which makes it much easier to cope day after day.

You'll manage one day at a time and with the strength of the Lord behind you, anything is possible, and it will happen when he knows it's time and we're ready. (Even if we're not so sure ourselves)

Take care and have a safe trip!!!

The Mailman's Wife said...

Hey Shannon.
One thing you will learn quickly is how to find peace amongst the worry. It is funny how much time I spent investigating every part of Meg...Even her poopie!!! Being a parent IS tough...It is much easier knowing that God is the best example for us. I remember being pregnant and I remember the worries with that as well as the "worries" of now. I often say that having Megan is like having my heart living outside of my body. My prayer for you is that you can find the peace in the times of worry. I love you!

2qurios said...

I wrap my kids in bubble wrap each morning.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit it once and for all...I've turned into my mother. Worrying over everything (even worrying that I may be worrying too much). But you get over it. I have to make a conscious decision to come back to reality (the here and safe now) when my imagination takes hold. I think it might be normal (maybe?) to worry a lot as a parent, as long as it doesn't turn into unreasonable behaviours (aka: people who wrap their kids in bubble wrap...what freak is that, Shannon? I hope you're not related to that weirdo...kidding, of course).

Debbie :)