Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Baby Clothes

Aren't baby clothes the cutest things you have ever seen? I, like many women struggling with infertility, have a love/hate relationship with the baby clothes aisle. I love to look at all the little garments and I hate that I can't buy them!

Jeff and I go frequently to our Thrift Stores to check in and make sure everything is going okay. When we go I usually do a lot of shopping! I have to support our stores! :) Sometimes I find the cutest baby items. Usually if they are brand new or in good shape I buy them for friends. (I tell them its from the Thrift Store!)

On Monday, we went around to the thrift stores and I saw the most adorable pair of Dr. Scholl's shoes. They are a size two! They are pink,white and purple and of course never been walked in! I also found a really cute outfit that still had the store tags. I bought the items thinking I could give them to a friend of mine who just had a baby girl. When I got home though, Jeff and I looked at the items and we decided that we would keep them! Now this may seem like a simple little thing... but I never keep baby items for myself. It's a fear I guess. I'm afraid I'll never use them... that they will sit there as a reminder of our troubles. But we want to stay positive. And I think this is a way that we can do that.

So here I am writing this blog, while staring at those tiny shoes and the most adorable little girls outfit, and I have hope... in the midst of despair. And I think a lot of it has to do with those who are reading this blog. Your prayers are helping, your kind words are soothing, and your encouragement is healing. I know that God is using you to bless us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!



Christina said...

I'm no prophet, but...


Over the next while you will find out you're pregnant...

...it will be a boy. :)


Shannon said...

That would be my luck eh!!

The Mailman's Wife said...

Hi Shannon!

Again, with the making me cry! For all the right reasons of course...It is good to hear that you are allowing God to really carry you both thru this time. I am glad you are keeping the shoes/outfit as a reminder to stay positive...I think it is a good step for you both. Keep hoping and praying. God's timing is perfect no matter how hard it is to wait. As always with Lot's of love!

2qurios said...

I find it hard to post on your blog simply because I don't recall ever having a serious conversation with you. I have and will be praying for you and Jeff continually.

I do find it refreshing to see such honestly, especially coming from someone who we expect to be infallible, being a pastor and all. I do think honestly is your best medicine and will an extremely useful tool for others with similar difficulties.

I wish you all the best, and that the Lord's will, will be done...let's just pray His plan is in line with yours.

...now I'm in friggin' tears, sheesh.

Love your bro,