Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We're Doing a Little Better...

Hard to believe it's only been a week since we got the horrific news that we would not be getting our baby boy. It feels like forever ago for some reason.

I was finally able to go in his room last night. It wasn't near as bad as what I thought it would be. I don't know if that's good or not... part of me feels like I've just kind of closed off those emotions... the other part feels like I'm coming to terms with it all and am at peace with it. Maybe its a bit of both? Who knows.

I think part of my feeling better is that Jeff and I have started TTC again. I wasn't going to tell anyone... but that's just not me!! lol! We've decided to take it pretty seriously and have ordered a whole bunch of products that we are hoping will give us a better chance of conceiving. I might go into those at a later date when we've been using them for a while... maybe I'll do a review of them. We are excited yet nervous about venturing onto the fertility roller coaster again. It's been kind of nice this last year and a half not wondering every month if we were pregnant. I know that I am going to be an emotional basket case again... sorry Jeff! :o) But I am excited at the possibility of having a baby.

I think that's it for now... I have a few thoughts and opinions on some things that people have said and pet peeves that I have. I might share that in my next post. Until then...


Linkisms said...

I will be thinking "fertile thoughts" for you Shannon! Good luck! :)

Jenn said...

hey shannon! i'm so so so sorry about everything you have been through. your faith in God and in your relationship with your husband will keep you strong in such hard days. best of luck!!!