Thursday, August 2, 2007


I went to the doctor yesterday to ask about doing IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). (For more information on this procedure you can read about it here ) I was really hoping that we could have it done next cycle since this is my last cycle on Clomid. Well, the doctor said that we can begin the process but it will take several months before we can do it. I REALLY had my heart set on next month. But I guess I have to be a little more patient. Grrrrrrrrr!

Also, Jeff and I were on the C-Train a couple days ago and while we were sitting there a little boy started crying... very quietly actually, and the mom got mad and covered up his mouth.... and nose!!! I was ready to jump on her. She was trying to keep him quiet by just covering his mouth (Which by the way wasn't working... he was getting more and more upset) but her hand was big and he was only about 2 so she kept plugging his nose too. I thought he was going to suffocate... I was steaming. I felt so bad... should I have said something? I didn't want to pick a fight... but I mean how many times do we let adults get away with things like that? I always wonder about that. So often we turn a blind eye to it. It's so hard to know what is right. So anyways, of course I start feeling really upset that this women has a child and I am without. It always seems so unfair. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Anyways, that's my life at the moment. As I mentioned this is my last cycle on clomid. So for the next few months until the IUI I will be ovulating on my own. I'm not to worried about stopping them... they haven't worked so far. I just pray that in these next few months we get pregnant on our own so that we don't have to go through the IUI.

Have a great day everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Even as a parent, it's very hard to see other parent's who don't seem to realize what a blessing their children really are. Too many people these days take for granted being able to have children, that's it's quite sad to see the one's who desperately want and deserve them unable to concieve. Try to keep your hopes up, maybe it will happen for you and Jeff while your waiting to go see the specialist. God bless