Monday, November 8, 2010

Busy, Busy!

I guess it's time for another update...

The last few weeks have been really busy for us, especially with work. There is a lot going on and still lots to do. In a few short weeks we will also be heading into the Christmas season and while I enjoy it I'm not looking forward to the stress of finding enough volunteers to stand at the kettles.

This past weekend was also interesting. Until today I really thought I was pregnant. :o( I was 4 days late, had a ton of symptoms (and several I've never had before) and really thought this was our time. But of course that didn't work out. It's so disappointing, but on we go to another month of trying.

Jeff and I have been talking about how any day we may get a call saying that there is a child waiting for us. Ever since our little boy went to his new parents I keep thinking how exciting it must have been for them... from the first phone call to when he went to live with them was about 2 weeks! I can't imagine how exciting that would be! I hope our chance will happen sometime sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I hope so too. I pray so too.
Big hugs my friend.