Thursday, November 11, 2010

Testing again...

We went to the doctor a couple days ago and had GREAT news!  Since we've been taking these vitamins and doing a few extra things to increase our chances of getting pregnant I thought it would be good for Jeff to have another semen analysis while we are in Calgary in January.  So we went to see our Doctor and asked him to get us an appointment.  Thankfully we found out we can do the test here in Whitehorse!  YAY!  Thats awesome because now we can have the test done a few times to get an accurant picture.  I will also be getting tests done (ones I've had done before) to make sure things are still okay with me.  As well, we found out that they do IUI's here and so if Jeff's count goes up we will probably do a few of those.  I can't believe that we are back to all this testing again! lol!  I thought those days were over!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Praying all goes so well for you.