Friday, September 19, 2008

IVF is out

We got a letter from the fund today that said we were approved for $3000.00. I am so disappointed. That leaves us trying to come up with $9500.00... and that just isn't possible right now. So, needless to say I am once again crushed. I just want something to work out... something that will move us along to finally being parents.

I did phone the doctors office to set up an appointment. I want to see if it is possible to use the grant money for treatment other then IVF... for example a round of injectables with IUI (which the $3000 would cover easily.. maybe even two rounds). When we were last there the doctor said this wasn't really an option for us because the percentage of success was low, but the way I figure it, IVF is out of the picture so it's worth a try right? Without the doctors recommendation though, I know we won't be able to use the money. So we will see.

Anyways, I may write more later... not really in the mood to write right now, but I wanted to let you all know.



Dawn said...

So sorry Shannon, I saw your status on facebook and I was worried this is what it was about. I hope the doctor can give you some hope about the IUI. I guess you have already looked into other options like adoption, surrogacy and all that?
Is there any way to raise the other money? I don't know, I'm just trying to think of something, I wish I could help you in some way.


Shannon said...

Hi Dawn,

We have looked into our other options and we are going to seriously look at adoption now. The only problem with that is that it too costs a lot of money... about the same as IVF. We do however know a couple who years ago said they would help with funding an adoption. Their daughter placed a child up for adoption 18 years ago so they really believe in the system.

If we could find a birth mom on our own it would cut the costs down drastically (most of the cost is in having your name put on an adoption agency's list)... so you (and anyone else reading this) could help by passing the word along if you hear of any pregnant women who are looking at that option. Sounds like buying a car... I hate that about it. :-(

The Mailman's Wife said...

Shannon, I love you. I will be praying and weeping with you.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had $3500 to have my tubal reversed, Shannon. I would gladly have a child and give it to you and Jeff for adoption, you'd be such wonderful parents!

I have a dream said...

no pics...sad...

blog for steveLi said...

I'm just trying to think of something, I wish I could help you in some way.2010 popular wedding dress