Thursday, March 4, 2010


Last week we recieved a call from the adoption co-ordinator who wanted to know where we were with our criminal record checks. I think I mentioned in the last post that the fingerprints that we sent away to Ottawa to get processed came back because we didn't send in everything that was needed. So I told her that we were now having to start all over and send them again (it takes 3 months for them to be processed). She said that's too bad because a social worker just had a spot open that she would have liked us to take. My heart dropped! I was thinking "GREAT when will the next spot open!". But thankfully she said that even without all the paperwork in place she was going to let us take that spot! So tomorrow we will be starting our homestudy! YAY! We are really excited to start this process. Once our homestudy is complete we will officially be on the waiting list for a child. As well we will be able to start getting our name out there that we are looking for a child that needs a loving home. Don't be surprised if you get an e-mail from me asking you to keep your ears open for us!

I'm hoping the homestudy doesn't take too long. Our worker said that it usually takes about 4 months. She did say however that she would like to speed that up a little for us. We were told that this social worker doesn't like to let the dust settle on things and really likes to just get it done, which is awesome news for us! I really hope that we connect well with her and that she likes us. I feel a little like Monica and Chandler on Friends! lol!

Keep the prayers coming everyone... we are very thankful for them!



writings of an infertile wannabe stepford wife said...

good luck hopefully the time speeeds by and you will soon be spending time with your new baby/child. i will be praying for you.

Mom /Shelley said...

Shannon, we are so excited for you and Jeff, especially since we benefit from this so much and look forward to being "Nana and Papa"
Love you sweetheart! xo

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that you guys will have a child soon...God sent you to the Yukon not only to do HIS work but also to answer your prayers. Keep your chin up cause you will get what your heart desires! God's timing is always only if our timing and HIS timing could get on the same page :) Good luck with everything....but you dont need luck when you got GOD on your side!! Loves ya dearly, think of you often and praying for you!
